People in general, and gamers in particular, seem to have attention spans that are shrinking even further than they were before. This is probably why the other (more action oriented) game portion of the H1Z1 split, titled King of the Kill, is still relatively popular. I figure that this has to do with the upswing in popularity by tighter, more action-oriented survival games like Rust, and Evolve, as well as pure Battle Royale experiences such as The Culling, which is tearing up the charts on TwitchTV. When I jumped on its newest iteration, H1Z1: Just Survive, I could almost hear a virtual pin drop. Before the split, back around October of last year when I first played the more open-world segment of H1Z1, the servers were much busier. While this decision did indeed divide the communities that favored either one or the other of H1Z1 gaming experiences, it also showed just how relatively uninterested people are becoming in the more open-world aspect of zombie horror. So, we’ve decided to do just that – we’re excited to announce that the survival game will now be called H1Z1: Just Survive, with a renewed focus on truly delivering a persistent, open-world zombie survival experience where scavenging, crafting, and base building are the difference between life and death.” We want to make sure we give both titles the support they need and deserve to truly flourish. Many players in the community have been discussing splitting the game and we’ve heard you loud and clear.

The more we developed this game with you, our community, the more we realized that in order to fully support both aspects of H1Z1, and their respective players, we needed to make them their own stand-alone games supported by their own dedicated development teams. “Last year, we started to notice new player trends emerging – both the initial Survival game and Battle Royale game mode now have strong populations who almost exclusively play one or the other. Take Daybreak’s decision to split their new zombie franchise, H1Z1, up into two separate games on February 16 th, 2016 (this is from one of their official announcement from their website): As I mentioned in my recent review of H1Z1’s other game King of the Kill, the whole zombie/survival horror craze has been waning lately.